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Too Little, Too Late, will there be a Romanov ending for the Sudairi Seven?
12.01.17 05:03 Middle East
End game of the Iraq War

The Islamic State and Chaos in the Greater Middle East
07.05.15 14:21 Middle East
The Islamic State leaders strive to use the allied terrorist organizations to distract their enemies from their parent organization in Syria and Iraq.
"Center of military-political researches of MGIMO"

The Day After Damascus Falls: the Beginning of the End for the American Republic
01.05.15 15:34 Middle East
If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meets the same fate as Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, much of Official Washington would rush out to some chic watering hole to celebrate – one more “bad guy” down, one more “regime change” notch on the belt. But the day after Damascus falls could mark the beginning of the end for the American Republic
Robert Parry

Putin’s Geopolitical Chess Game with Washington in Syria and Eurasia
27.07.12 10:49 Middle East
Since reassuming his post as Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin has lost no minute in addressing the most urgent geopolitical threats to Russia internationally. Not surprisingly, at the center of his agenda is the explosive situation in the Middle East, above all Syria. Here Putin is engaging every imaginable means of preventing a further deterioration of the situation into what easily could become another “world war by miscalculation.” His activities in recent weeks involve active personal diplomacy with Syria’s government as well as the so-called opposition “Syrian National Council.” It involves intense diplomacy with Erdogan’s Turkey regime. It involves closed door diplomacy with Obama. It involves direct diplomacy with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.
F. William Engdahl

Rising energy tensions in the Aegean—Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria
11.03.12 23:37 Middle East
The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. That discovery is having enormous political, geopolitical as well as economic consequences. It well may have potential military consequences too.
F. William Engdahl

Egypts Revolution: Creative Destruction for a Greater Middle East?
06.02.11 10:29 Middle East
Fast on the heels of the regime change in Tunisia came a popular-based protest movement launched on January 25 against the entrenched order of Egypts Hosni Mubarak. Contrary to the carefully-cultivated impression that the Obama Administration is trying to retain the present regime of Mubarak, Washington in fact is orchestrating the Egyptian as well as other regional regime changes from Syria to Yemen to Jordan and well beyond in a process some refer to as "creative destruction."
F. William Engdahl

Yemen: Behind Al-Qaeda Scenarios, a Geopolitical Chokepoint to Eurasia
05.01.10 00:00 Middle East
On December 25 US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges of having tried to blow up the plane with smuggled explosives. Since then reports have been broadcast from CNN to the New York Times that he was “suspected” to have been trained on his terror mission in Yemen. What the world has been subjected to since is the emergence of a new target for the US “War on Terror,” namely a desolate state on the Arabian peninsula, Yemen. A closer look at the background suggests the Pentagon and US intelligence have a hidden agenda in Yemen.
F. William Engdahl
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 Newsread more rss

» Ceasefire gives wary Syrians in Idlib respite from strikes
» Syria’s “Opposition” Fails to Represent Syrians
» Syrias Rukban camp dwindles after five-month Russian siege (?!!)
» Erdogan Says ‘Goodbye, West’ by Buying Russias S-400 Missiles, German Media Says
» Russian-led assault in Syria leaves over 500 civilians dead: rights groups, rescuers
» Oil supertanker bound for Syria detained in Gibraltar
» US Pressing Germany to Extend Its Military Operation in Syria, Deploy Troops
» UAE scales down military presence in Yemen as Gulf tensions flare

 Reportsread more rss

» Voices from Syria’s Rukban Refugee Camp Belie Corporate Media Reporting
» Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’
» Ex-US Intelligence Officials Confirm: Secret Pentagon Report Proves US Complicity In Creation Of ISIS
» Israel’s Alliance with al-Qaeda
» Wahhabis Go Nuclear — Literally
» Inching Toward Conflict: US Navy To Escort Cargo Ships In Persian Gulf; Iran Refuses To Back Down
» Russia’s Missile Wall in Iran
» Saudi Attempts to Use the Houthis against the Muslim Brotherhood Backfired in Yemen

 Commentariesread more rss

» Nations align in the fight for Syrian peace
» The $2 Trillion Gamble That Saudi Arabia Cannot Win
» Say Hello To My Cruise Missiles
» After Ankara: Why Erdogan and NATO’s Strategy is in Ruins
» Syria Military Review: Studying the Russian Military Operation. Video Report
» Putin Calls Out Washington
» Russias Campaign To Snuff Off The CIAs Al-Qaeda Forces
» Putin’s Blitz Leaves Washington Rankled and Confused

 Analysisread more rss

» UAE Withdrawal from Yemen
» Redrawing the Middle East borders: conspirology or real plan?
» Syria: War of All Against All Continues…
» Did Russia’s Intervention Derail Turkey’s Plan to Invade Syria?
» U.S. Kurdish allies welcome Russian airstrikes in Syria
» The Greater Middle East in the face of earnest geopolitical changes
» Can Syria Survive?
» A Fake Caliphate: Perfect US Strategic Asset
text version The site was founded by Natalia Laval in 2006 © 2006-2024 Inca Group "War and Peace"