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Destruction of Ukraine’s Central Bank
05.06.22 12:43 Economics
End Goal of Russia’s Ukrainian Operation.

Yom Kippur War Redux – Petrol D0llar’s Last Hurrah
26.06.19 06:29 Economics
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting a whole lot brighter

How the Alchemists saved the Planet in 2019
03.02.19 01:10 Economics
The Syria, Afghanistan switch

What will the US Treaty of Paris look like?
30.06.18 21:51 Economics
The upcoming end to the Petrol D0llar System

Addition by Subtraction, (x, y)↦x−y
05.02.17 09:31 Economics
Welcome to the Information Age

Council on Foreign Relations’ Grand Strategy: China Must Be Defeated, The TPP Is Essential to Undermining China
05.05.15 18:34 Economics
Wall Street’s Council on Foreign Relations has issued a major report, alleging that China must be defeated because it threatens to become a bigger power in the world than the U.S
Eric Zuesse

Pan Handling in the Debtors Prison, “The NEW Service Economy”
09.07.13 17:48 Economics
Fridays Job Numbers

Monopoly, the Board Game, Getting Past Go & the Next Best Thing
11.03.13 00:11 Economics
Looks like the game is about to reset
War and Peace

Repatriation of the Petrol D0llar
12.01.13 20:55 Economics
Looks like the game is about to re-set.
War and Peace

Scary Facts about Birds and the Bees and Bayer AG
03.07.12 12:55 Economics
Birds and bees are something most of us take for granted as part of nature. The expression “teaching about the birds and the bees” to explain the process of human reproduction to young people is not an accidental expression. Bees and birds contribute to the essence of life on our planet. A study by the US Department of Agriculture estimated that “…perhaps one-third of our total diet is dependent, directly or indirectly, upon insect-pollinated plants.”
F. William Engdahl

Would appear the wind has changed direction
16.07.11 09:31 Economics
Still some flatulence and hot air to be expelled by the gluttonous pirates that could be mistaken for the wind blowing the same direction; but the ability of the banksters and the pirates to tax the world with their Petrol D0llar, Usury, Fort Apaches and Narco D0llar addictions seem to be running its course.

Getting used to life without food: Wall Street, BP, bio-ethanol and the death of millions
30.06.11 15:46 Economics
My late grandfather, a man of sturdy Norwegian-American farm stock, who later became a newspaper editor and political activist during the First World War, used to say, A man can get used to pretty much anything with time, except dying...and even that with some practice. Well, as fate has it, it seems we, the vast majority of the human race, are about to test that adage in regard to the availability of our daily bread itself.
F. William Engdahl

Ackermann’s Deutsche Bank Follies: Chickens Come Home to Roost
04.11.10 11:49 Economics
The earlier filing of fraud charges against Wall Street banking titan Goldman Sachs by the US Government Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was only the tip of a huge fraud iceberg. Now a US mortgage insurer has charged one of the most aggressive banks involved in the US subprime mortgage scam of fraud. The bank is none other than Deutsche Bank. This case is also likely to be just the “tip of a very big iceberg.”
F. William Engdahl

Panic at the Fed or Back to Normalcy?
24.02.10 02:33 Economics
The decision of the US Federal Reserve to raise its key interest rate was definitely not a sign of confidence in the US economic recovery or a signal that Fed policy is slowly returning to normal as claimed. It was rather a signal of panic over the weakness in US Government bond markets, the heart of the dollar financial system.
F William Engdahl

WHO ‘Swine Flu Pope’ under investigation for gross conflict of interest
08.12.09 23:22 Economics
The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic hysteria. Not only is Osterhaus the connecting person in an international network that has been described as the Pharma Mafia, he is THE key advisor to WHO on influenza and is intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.
F. William Engdahl
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» The Economist "Buries" Gold
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» Ukraine and the Rothschild Family

 Commentariesread more rss

» Media and Politicians Ignore Oncoming Financial Crisis
» In an astonishing turn, George Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US ‘forever war’ policy
» Vladimir Putin says liberalism has ‘become obsolete’
» A New World Beckons
» Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan
» U.S. Dollar QE Death Sentence, Us Treasury Bond Black Hole
» The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion
» No Growth Boost from Developing Economies Says World Bank

 Analysisread more rss

» Is Baoshang Bank China’s Lehman Brothers?
» From the Green Revolution to GMOs: Toxic Agriculture Is the Problem Not the Solution
» OPEC+ oil supply cuts signal smooth Gulf sailing
» The bankers and the euro
» The cancer of bankers
» Will Trump Destroy the Euro?
» The magic of bankers
» Rex Tillerson and the Myths, Lies and Oil Wars to Come
text version The site was founded by Natalia Laval in 2006 © 2006-2024 Inca Group "War and Peace"